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Updated: 11/16/2017
Purpose and Scope

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Amendments Act of 2008 were enacted to protect individuals with disabilities against discrimination in areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, education, transportation, telecommunication, health services, 以及获得公共服务的机会. 《网赌上分平台》第504条禁止接受联邦资金的人歧视残疾人. 根据这些法律, 网赌上分平台在其所有项目中严格禁止歧视, services, 以及基于残疾的就业. The purpose of these procedures is to provide the process for addressing student disability discrimination grievances at the level where they occur and in a timely manner. They are means to help students understand methods available to them in the event a problem should arise regarding issues relating to the ADAAA or Section 504 and to ensure that all complaints of discrimination based on disability are thoroughly and fairly investigated. 网赌上分平台将对所有歧视指控进行公平公正的调查, 在充分考虑各方权利的情况下.

Faculty grievances are not within the scope of these procedures and should be submitted pursuant to the faculty grievance procedures set forth in the Faculty Handbook. Employee grievances are also not within the scope of these procedures and should be submitted pursuant to the separate Employee Conflict Resolution Protocol relating to complaints under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 这些程序不能取代任何其他大学政策或程序.


网赌上分平台致力于为学生提供平等的学习机会, services, 为所有人提供就业机会,无论其残疾与否. 我们重申我们的承诺,没有合格的残疾学生将被排除在参加, be denied the benefits of, 或在任何计划下受到其他歧视, service, 或由网赌上分平台赞助的活动. 这所大学在招生方面没有歧视, 教育项目、服务或就业都不受个人残疾的影响.

Complaints arising from a matter regarding disability should be brought to the attention of 无障碍资源中心主任 and/or Senior Associate Dean of Students.

  • Grievance: 申诉是指对任何政策的投诉, procedure or practice which would be prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • Grievant: 申诉人是指提交与ADAAA或1973年康复法案有关的申诉的学生或其他个人.
  • Respondent: 答辩人指任何大学官员, administrator, 以官方身份行事并被指控对申诉中所指控的违规行为负责的教职员工. The term may be used to designate persons with direct responsibility for a particular action or those persons with supervisory responsibility for procedures and policies in those areas covered in the grievance.
  • Investigator: Investigator means 无障碍资源中心主任 or the Senior Associate Dean of Students who when acting in their official capacity is charged with the responsibility to hear, investigate, 并就涉嫌违反ADAAA或1973年康复法案的行为提出建议.
Informal Procedure

尽管在正式申诉程序开始之前,申诉人不需要使用非正式程序, 如果可能的话,强烈鼓励申诉人在提交正式申诉之前尝试以非正式方式解决投诉. The necessary first step toward an informal solution is for the grievant to attempt to personally resolve the complaint by meeting with the person or persons alleged to be directly responsible for the possible violation and/or with persons with immediate supervisory authority related to the complaint. Other appropriate university officials who may have knowledge of the complaint or who may assist in its resolution may also be consulted (e.g. a faculty member, department chair, the Dean of Students, 无障碍资源中心主任, the student ombudsman, 财政援助署署长或大学注册处处长).

有关的大学官员将尽一切努力解决此事. 这个过程不应超过三十(30)天. 如果投诉不能在这一级非正式解决, any student, 谁对这个决议不满意, may file, in writing, 如下所述的正式申诉.

Formal Grievance Procedure

A student who is not satisfied with the results of the informal process should initiate a formal grievance through the following procedure:

Grievance filing:

1. The student shall submit a formal grievance to 无障碍资源中心主任 unless the grievance is against 无障碍资源中心主任 or other staff of the department. 在这种情况下,申诉应提交给学生事务高级副院长. 所有投诉均应亲自提出,并应以书面形式提供以下信息:

  1. 投诉人的姓名、地址及电话号码;
  2. Nature, date, 以及对涉嫌侵权行为的完整描述,包括任何相关事实,如投诉方的残疾, 涉嫌违规行为的责任人的姓名, 查明与投诉有关的证人;
  3. A summary of the steps the student has already taken in attempt to resolve the problem; including names of persons involved;
  4. 要求纠正措施的解决方案和学生要求任何住宿的理由的声明, if any;
  5. 投诉人认为有关的任何背景资料及/或证明文件;
  6. 投诉者签名.


2. The grievance must be filed within (180) days of the alleged violation or within ten (10) days after the conclusion of the informal process if the student has chosen to utilize it, whichever comes first.


3. 在收到正式申诉后, 无障碍资源中心主任 (or Senior Associate Dean of Students) will conduct an investigation of the matters set forth in the written grievance. 在进行这项调查时, the Investigator may forward a copy of the grievant(s) statement to the person(s) whose actions (or inactions) are the subject of the grievance, 并可在(20)个工作日内要求大学相关人员提供书面答复. 答复者将被特别警告不得以任何方式报复申诉者. 报复可能使被报复人受到纪律处分. 调查员也可以选择采访证人, 与有关人士会面, 接受口头或书面陈述, 并进行适当的询问. 调查一般应在三十(30)个工作日内完成,但并非总是如此. 如果调查不能在三十(30)个工作日内完成, 教务处主任或高级副院长应将调查情况告知投诉人.

4. 调查完成后十(10)个工作日内, the Investigator will transmit a written copy of its findings and recommendation(s) to the parties and to the appropriate University official who is charged with making a final decision concerning whether to accept, 拒绝或修改研究者的建议. 任何一方也可以提交给指定的个人做出最终决定, 在收到调查人员的建议后10个工作日内, 赞成或反对收养的书面论据, modification, or rejection of the investigator’s recommendations; or explaining why they believe they have been treated arbitrarily, capriciously, 不公平的或不公平的, 非法或歧视的方式. 负责学生事务的副校长/教务长, (他已被指定为504/ADA协调员)将做出最终决定, 在学术问题上, 会与教务长办公室协商吗. 负责学生事务的副校长/教务长 shall transmit the final decision in writing to both parties within ten (10) workdays. 如果在十(10)个工作日内不能作出决定, 副主席将随时通知投诉人决策过程的情况.


5. 每个申诉过程的记录应保存七(7)年. These shall include, 至少:由申诉人提出的书面申诉, 答辩人提交的书面答辩书, 以及调查员的书面调查结果和/或建议. 这些记录的档案应保存在504/ADA协调员的办公室. 为了传播申诉的先例, 协调员可以保留单独的档案记录和统计数据,仅表明每项申诉的主题, 每项申诉的解决和解决的日期. These records shall not refer to any specific individuals and shall be treated as confidential unless their disclosure is required by law.


6. No person shall be subjected to retaliation for having utilized or having assisted others in the utilization of this grievance process. 对任何提出歧视投诉的个人进行报复, 或者谁曾配合调查这类投诉, 或者反对在联邦和州法律下歧视教育实践是非法的, 这违反了网赌上分平台的政策.


7. Nothing in these procedures is intended to prevent the grievant and respondent from resolving their grievance amicably by signing a written statement of agreement and submitting it for review and approval by the Investigator. 如果协议被批准,未决申诉将被视为驳回.

The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of a complaint submitted hereunder shall not be impaired by the person’s pursuit of other external remedies such as filing of a 504/ADA complaint with the responsible state or federal agency nor shall the use of this internal grievance procedure be a prerequisite to other external remedies. 投诉也可通过以下方式与公民权利办公室联系:

Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
8th Floor
5 Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109-3921
(617) 289-0111

本规则应被解释为保护利害关系人的实体权利,以满足适当的正当程序标准, 并确保网赌上分平台遵守第504条, ADAAA和实施条例.

无障碍资源中心主任位于无障碍资源中心办公套房, ground floor, 地址在谢菲尔德大厅后面,电话:(203)932-7332. 学生事务高级副院长位于巴特尔斯霍尔校园中心, Room 208, 电话:(203)932-7432. 负责学生事务的副校长/教务长被指定为504/ADA协调员, 酒店位于巴特尔斯大厦203室, 电话:(203)932-7432.